From Industry Standard to Revenue Giant

We transformed a popular US fashion e-commerce brand from struggling to make sales to a multi-million dollar success story.

Arrow 192%

Surge in Annual Revenue

Arrow 162%

Leap in Conversion Rates

Arrow 142%

Jump in Click-Through Rates

Who Is the Fashion Brand?

We'd love to give you the lowdown on our latest victory and the who's behind it, but a non-disclosure agreement has us keeping our lips sealed.

Our Goals

Our vision is to become a staple in the US fashion scene, making our brand essential for style-conscious individuals.

Stabilize paid marketing performance

Enhance overall visibility and sales through a well-planned and continuously monitored paid marketing strategy.


Improve mobile device performance

Address the high cost per conversion from mobile devices and improve overall conversion rate and user experience.


Optimize landing pages

Ensure better mobile device compatibility and improve product imagery to support conversions.


Implement dynamic remarketing

Engage customers who visited the site previously but did not make a purchase.


Revise product listing ads (PLA)

Adjust bids for better performance, including on mobile, and refine targeting with negative keywords.

Launch targeted shopping ad campaigns

Focus on specific product groups for more directed advertising efforts.


Experiment with keywords

Explore new keywords and matching options to improve ad reach and effectiveness.


Analyze traffic and product performance

Use analytics to inform the creation of new campaigns.


Expand advertising platforms

Diversify advertising efforts by using platforms like AdRoll, Criteo, and Pinterest, especially during the holiday season.


Reduce costs from non-performing sources

Cut spending on ineffective campaigns and platforms to reallocate resources more efficiently.


How could we increase sales for a well-known US fashion e-commerce brand struggling with revenue—despite advertising on Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, and Google Ads?

Inefficient Paid Marketing Strategies

Poor optimization: Campaigns were not optimized effectively, leading to inefficient use of the budget and poor conversion rates.

Unfocused targeting: The campaigns suffered from a lack of focused targeting, with ads not reaching the most relevant or engaged audience segments.

Inconsistent ROI monitoring: There was an insufficient emphasis on monitoring and maximizing return on investment across different platforms and campaigns.

Underperforming Facebook Ads

Low conversion rates: Despite a high volume of traffic from Facebook, the conversion rates were disappointingly low, indicating a mismatch between the audience and the ads or the landing pages.

Cost inefficiency: The campaigns on Facebook were not cost-efficient, leading to a high expenditure with minimal return, necessitating a reassessment of the platform's role in the advertising strategy.

Google Ads Specific Challenges

Inefficient keyword strategy: A lack of precision in keyword selection and bidding strategies led to lower ad relevance and higher costs.

Broad campaign targeting: The existing campaigns were too broad, diluting their effectiveness and failing to capture high-intent users efficiently.

Mobile Device Performance Discrepancy

High cost per conversion: Mobile campaigns exhibited a higher cost per conversion compared to other devices, signaling inefficiencies in ad placement or user experience.

User experience issues: Preliminary insights suggested that the mobile user experience might not be fully optimized, potentially contributing to lower conversion rates.

Our Strategic Approach

  • Meta Ads strategy and optimization
  • Google Ads strategy and optimization
  • Google Analytics data analysi
  • Shopify platform integration
  • UX/ UI design and mobile user experience improvement

Our Game Plan

Approach for Enhanced Paid Marketing

Collaborative strategy development: Our expert team partnered with the client's marketing group to kickstart a series of rapid tests aimed at refining the customer journey.

Performance benchmarking: We pinpointed markers of success by aligning qualitative insights and quantitative data with definitive timelines and milestones.

In-depth product analysis: Conducted thorough qualitative reviews with the client's product developers to grasp the product's mission, vision, and the customer problems it addresses.

Customer persona creation: Developed detailed personas drawing from behavioral data and psychographics to target potential customers with the highest value.

Strategic campaign planning: Crafted a launch strategy for the client, utilizing past victories and insights gained from discussions with the product team, focusing on the target personas.

Content and community engagement: Initiated participation in niche podcasts resonated with the client's target demographics and community to bolster brand presence and persona engagement.

For Google and Bing Ads Optimization

Conversion-driven landing page updates: Enhanced mobile user experience and upgraded product imagery for the client’s landing pages.

Retargeting campaigns: Implemented dynamic retargeting to re-engage visitors who browsed without purchasing.

Product listing ads refinement: Overhauled the client’s shopping campaigns, tweaking bids, and filtering out irrelevant queries with negative keywords.

Targeted shopping ads initiation: Launched new, focused ad campaigns for specific client product categories.

Boosting high-impact campaigns: Escalated the budgets and keywords for the client's campaigns that demonstrated success.

Keyword strategy and analysis: Explored new keywords and match types, leveraging analytics to inform campaign development.

Diversification of paid marketing efforts: Extended the client’s advertising reach by utilizing additional platforms during peak seasons.

For Mobile Performance Enhancement

Mobile bid adjustment: Tightened spend on mobile and tablet bids in key campaigns where costs were outstripping conversions.

Focused targeting: Sharpened targeting by excluding or adjusting bids in non-performing locales and during low-conversion times.

Campaign optimization: Curtailed non-performing campaigns and reduced bids for high-CPC campaigns while enriching the targeting with negative keywords.


In just one month, our campaigns achieved a staggering growth.

This progress significantly contributed to the overall revenue, showcasing our team's ability to swiftly capitalize on the holiday season for maximum sales impact.

Our strategic efforts have led to quick and effective enhancements across key performance metrics, demonstrating our expertise in delivering results at speed.


Revenue increase


Growth in CTR


Conversion Rate Growth


Clicks increased

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Our offices:

Headquarter: Gyneju g. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania